
How to do a Facebook Live Stream and some tips and tricks to make it fruitful

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How to do a Facebook Live Stream and some tips and tricks to make it fruitful.

Facebook Live Stream
Facebook has taken the world by a storm with more than one billion active people and 2.6  billion monthly active users. Facebook launched the live streaming feature back in 2017 in the month of August. 99% of live stream videos are in the Top 10000 Facebook Posts. The live streaming feature of Facebook is very popular nowadays. Since last year the live stream view climbed to 2 billion. Within 1 year Facebook live’s search popularity increased by 330%. Facebook Live streaming is now also used for commercial purposes. People prefer watching live than regular videos. So different companies use Facebook live stream features for advertising. This helps to increase their sales and it really works. For building a brand or gathering fans or members for a community Facebook live streaming is the best platform.

How To Start A Facebook Live Stream
There are several users who love to watch live streams and also want to do live streams but they don’t know how to do it. Here is a quick and easy tutorial of Facebook live Streaming:

Facebook live streaming with Mobile :
-Go to your FB page or account.
-Click publish if a page or create a post if account.
-Select the “Live Video” option.
-Add a description.
-Use filters, modes, or other features if needed.
-tap the go button

Facebook Live Stream with Laptop or Desktop:
– Select create post
– Select “go live now” if you want to go live immediately or select “schedule a live video” if you want to go at a fixed time.
– Setup camera method
– Setup Stream setting
– Select “Go Live” when you are ready
– Select “End Live” when you want to end
– After finishing you can also trim or make a clip of it and also can delete it.

Tips And Tricks For FB Live stream
A live stream needs viewers. You can’t call it a successful live unless you get enough viewers. So how can one get viewers? Here are some simple tricks and tips for that:

– Schedule your live stream. Scheduling live stream is very important. If people don’t know when you will do live then they won’t bother waiting for the whole day. So fixing a time for everyday live streams is very essential for gathering audiences.

– Learn from the audience. Live streaming allows you to be more user-friendly. A streamer should always follow what the audience likes or dislikes. He should keep an eye on the audience’s reactions and comments. Thus you will be able to know their needs.

– Reply to the comments. Replying to the comments helps you create a connection with the audience. If the viewers find your interactive then will enjoy and follow the streams.

– Boost or buy organic live stream viewers. There are plenty of companies that sell social fans like live streamers organically. Buy real organic FB live stream viewers or YouTube livestream viewers to enlarge your fan community. Or you can also boost your live stream using any social fan selling company or Facebook.

– Keep backup. Keep backup for every piece of equipment. Also, don’t forget to test that equipment along with the ones for use.

– Ensure an uninterruptible network. For streaming, you must have good bandwidth the whole time. Test the upload speed and make sure it doesn’t drop.

– Keep your eyes on the camera. Many streamers look in the monitor instead of the camera. That’s a negative marking for the streamer. A streamer should always keep his eyes on the camera. It makes him look more interactive

– Practice before broadcasting. Practicing before broadcasting helps a lot to make your stream better. It creates confidence. Confidence is helpful for all kinds of work.

– Share your streams. Share streams on different Facebook groups. This creates more audience.

– Advertise or promote before going live. Advertising attracts viewers. It allows people to know what you are doing. Many will come across this advertisement and watch your live stream

– Concentrate more on content. Content is the most important thing when it comes to live streaming. If the viewers aren’t satisfied with the content they won’t watch it. Enhance your content to attract more and more viewers.

How Facebook Live Is Better than Traditional Video
In 2017, 20% of all video was a live broadcast. Facebook live stream attracts 6 times more audience and gets 10 times more comments than normal video. Even 91% of businesses use Facebook live for commercial purposes. Facebook Watch feature has 400 million monthly active users. After all, since Facebook Live is ahead of regular video in all respects, Facebook Live is more useful than normal video. There is no alternative to Facebook Live to reach more people to build a brand or community


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